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Farm to Institution Training and Local Conversations Event-Texarkana

The Arkansas Agriculture Department, in coordination with the Arkansas Farm to School Team, will host a Farm to Institution Procurement Training and “Local Conversations Event” in Southwest Arkansas in mid-February 2018. The event is two-fold. The morning will serve as specific Farm to School training, relevant to Arkansas producers/farmers, and others with a vested interest in Farm to School efforts or members of the supply chain. There will be lunch provided for attendees. The afternoon session will shift gears slightly, and be similar to past “Local Conversations” events hosted by the Arkansas Agriculture Department. The afternoon will function more like a vendor tradeshow, open to the public, and will bring in partners like Governor Hutchinson's initiative, Healthy Active Arkansas. The idea behind “Local Conversations” is to showcase the health benefits of specialty crops (fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, etc.), and help combat the alarming obesity rate in Arkansas.

Holiday Inn Texarkana
Start Date
End Date
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