Mark farms rice on 2,000 acres owned and 1,000 acres rented. He is also a partner in Zero Grade Farms and Generation Farms. Mark was elected to the board in August 2020 and serves on the Executive Committee, Finance Committee and Audit Committee. He serves on ARVA Intelligence Board, Field to Market, Ag Council of Arkansas, H20 Initiative, Arkansas Irrigation Science Technical Work Group, Winrock’s American Carbon Registry Steering Committee of US SRP, and USA Rice Committees – Sustainability, Conservation, International Promotion, Asia Trade Policy and Rice Leadership. Mark is a member of The Summit Church. He is also an agricultural speaker, writer and lecturer at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Mark has a Masters of Arts in Professional and Technical Writing from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, a Bachelors of Arts in Communication from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, and a Bachelors of Arts in Professional and Technical Writing from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.