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Market News

WEEKLY CASH CATTLE 02/10 11:50 WEEKLY DIRECT SLAUGHTER CATTLE - FOR THE WEEK ENDING: 02/07 WT AV LV % CH PRICE RANGE VOLUME WT AV DR % CH PRICE RANGE VOL KANSAS FORMULA/FORWARD 78,866 / WTD 10,443 / WEEKLY TOTAL 89,309 STEERS - LIVE FOB STEERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 205.89 TOTAL 205.00-206.00 4,389 326.59 TOTAL 325.00-328.00 189 STEERS - LIVE DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 205.64 TOTAL 203.00-206.00 2,681 No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade NEBRASKA FORMULA/FORWARD 50,688 / WTD 23,837 / WEEKLY TOTAL 74,525 STEERS - LIVE FOB STEERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 208.00 TOTAL 208.00-208.00 6,208 327.20 TOTAL 320.00-328.50 10,617 STEERS - LIVE DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED FOB No reportable trade 328.00 TOTAL 328.00-328.00 340 HEIFERS - LIVE FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 207.74 TOTAL 206.00-208.00 3,487 328.03 TOTAL 328.00-328.50 1,768 HEIFERS - LIVE DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade TEXAS FORMULA/FORWARD 77,572 / WTD 2,769 / WEEKLY TOTAL 80,341 STEERS - LIVE FOB STEERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 205.86 TOTAL 204.00-206.00 1,776 No reportable trade STEERS - LIVE DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 205.87 TOTAL 205.00-206.00 725 No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade SEE FRIDAY'S DAILY DIRECT SLAUGHTER CATTLE NEGOTIATED PURCHASES SUMMARIES BELOW DTN COMMENT: Formula totals for last week mixed higher in Kansas, but lower in Nebraska and Texas: KS 78,866(+2,204), NE 50,688(-3,819), TX 77,572 (-3,437). Total trade volume was also mixed higher in Kansas, about steady in Nebraska, but lower in Texas: KS 89,309(+4,634), NE 74,525(-281), TX 80,341 (-2,891). New showlists appear to be higher in all major feeding areas this week. Bids and asking prices have yet to be established, and significant trade volume will likely be delayed until the second half of the week. Beef cutouts are higher at midday (Choice 324.08 +2.21, Select 313.68 +0.78), with light box movement (26.11 lds of choice cuts, 4.38 lds of select cuts, 6.85 lds of trim, and 5.06 lds of ground). Live cattle futures at midday are moderately to sharply higher while feeder issues are sharply higher. DAILY DIRECT SLAUGHTER CATTLE-NEGOTIATED PURCHASES-SUMMARY **Summary includes trade from 1:30 PM the previous day through 9:30 AM today.** KANSAS CONFIRMED CASH SALES: 0 WEEK TO DATE: 10,443 STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED No reportable trade No reportable trade STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade NEBRASKA CONFIRMED CASH SALES: 208 WEEK TO DATE: 23,837 STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED No reportable trade 325.00 80+ 325.00-325.00 208 325.00 TOTAL 325.00-325.00 208 STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade TEXAS CONFIRMED CASH SALES: 0 WEEK TO DATE: 2,769 STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED No reportable trade No reportable trade STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade COLORADO CONFIRMED CASH SALES: NA Conf WEEK TO DATE: NA Conf STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED NA Due to Confidentiality NA Due to Confidentiality STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB NA Due to Confidentiality NA Due to Confidentiality HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED NA Due to Confidentiality NA Due to Confidentiality HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB NA Due to Confidentiality NA Due to Confidentiality IOWA CONFIRMED CASH SALES: 1,616 WEEK TO DATE: 22,796 STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED 205.16 80+ 203.00-213.00 832 320.85 80+ 320.00-325.00 365 205.16 TOTAL 203.00-213.00 832 320.85 TOTAL 320.00-325.00 365 STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED 204.00 80+ 204.00-204.00 35 No reportable trade 204.00 TOTAL 204.00-204.00 35 HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade Feedlots are encouraged to call DTN with any cattle sales, at 1-402-461-3561. All sales will be listed anonymously and organized by state. General volume and summaries from this data will also be posted on the Daily Sales Reported to DTN page and will be left up all week for reference purposes.
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In July 2016, Farm Credit marked 100 years of support for rural communities and agriculture, a milestone celebrated throughout the year and now drawing to a close. See highlights from Farm Credit's year-long centennial celebration. 

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