ONT Farm Market News PM Livestock Summary for August 21
From the Beef Farmers of Ontario, the Rail Grade Report. Prices are on
carcass weight basis, before grade and weight discounts.
Steers: $245.00 - $245.00
Heifers: $244.00 - $245.00
*From Ontario Pork:
*Quebec's average price on Thursday was $162.99 per ckg D.W. 100
*The previous markets day's CME Constructed (201) price was $55.55
U.S. per cwt. D.W.
*Compared to the previous day this was up $0.28
*Today we expect the CME Constructed (201) price to increase $0.5
*Average weekly price /ckg DW total value $179.56
*Total volume of Ont. hogs sold was 111360
* From the Beef Farmers of Ontario, the weekly beef commentary:
Comments for the week ending August 20:
There were slightly higher receipts of fed steers and heifers sold through
auction markets this week at 437 head, up 126 from last week and 68
more than the same time last year. Fed steers ranged from $136.51-
$151.39 averaging $144.99 up $1.09 from last week and $6.03 above
year ago prices. Fed heifers ranged from $127.40-$150.09 with a weekly
weighted average of $140.29 down $2.30 from last week but $10.86
higher than year ago prices. Auction markets reported trade as active
with prices $1.00-$3.00 higher mid-week. Trade continued strong through
to Thursday.
Ontario railgrade prices were consistent with last weeks prices. The
previous Friday was steady at $245.00 dressed for steers and $244.00-
$245.00 for heifers. From Monday to Wednesday this week sales were
sitting at $245.00 dressed for steers and $244.00-$245.00 for heifers.
This weeks average price is the same as last week and $8.75-$9.00
stronger than last year at this time.
Slightly higher receipts of 2,013 fed/cull cows sold through auction
markets this week up 92 from last week and 92 fewer than this time last
year. Cows sold from $62.57-$95.24 averaging $78.15 down $4.32 from
last week and yet $2.48 stronger than year ago prices. Auction markets
reported trade on a strong demand with prices steady and towards the
end of the week selling slightly easier.
There were 3,541 stocker and feeder cattle sold through auction markets
this week, numbers were 998 higher than last week and fairly steady to
last year at this time. Auction markets reported trade as fully steady with
active, strong demand. Yearlings traded actively at steady prices. Good
demand on the market. Actual average prices this week saw steers 400-
500 lbs down $15.61 from last week on average, 500-600 lbs down $4.87,
600-700 lbs up $2.78, 700-800 lbs up $3.89, 800-900 lbs up $8.83, and
steers 900 lbs and over averaged $1.62 higher. Heifers 400-500 lbs were
up $3.71 from last week, 500-600 lbs down $13.09, 600-700 lbs up $4.14,
700-800 lbs up $8.23, and heifers 800 lbs and over averaged $10.58
higher than last week.
The Quebec electronic market for this week ranged from $246.25-$249.00
dressed, up $4.03 from the previous week on average.
Alberta direct trade for the week was reported by Canfax with rail prices
from $227.75-$233.50, steers averaged $229.58 up $1.53 on average
from the previous week while heifers averaged $229.58 as well up $1.99
from the previous week. Live prices were reported at $138.00 for steers.
The US cash cattle trade for this week saw trade Tues through to
Thursday with live cattle selling mostly from $106.00 to $107.00 live up
$2.00-$3.00 higher from last week. Wednesday the 19th at the Fed Cattle
Exchange online auction, there were 1,462 head on offer, in 9 lots with
delivery in 1-17 days. One lot sold at $106.75. Dressed trade was
reported at selling mostly for $169.00 which is $1.00 higher than last
Amber McIntyre reporting for Jamie Gamble - Beef Farmers of Ontarios
market information report.