Confused about myriad carbon markets, carbon program options, payments and eligibility requirements? You're not alone. We've assembled a panel of experts from three of the more well-known companies enrolling farmers in carbon programs -- Agoro, Bayer and Corteva. They are part of an all-star line-up of speakers and sessions at the 2022 DTN Virtual Ag Summit, Dec. 12-13.
This year's theme is "Conquer the Chaos: Strategies to Build Endurance for Your Business." You can find information on how to register and the complete agenda at
Agriculture's premier producer-focused business conference is going virtual this year because of the many requests from DTN/Progressive Farmer readers and DTN subscribers who say for various reasons they can't make it to a physical meeting in December. By us hosting a virtual Summit, you can attend and view the event from the comfort of your home or office. And as you've come to expect from the DTN Ag Summit, you'll hear from the industry's brightest as they share their views on today's critical ag topics.
In addition to the carbon panel, experts will speak on a broad range of issues including:
-- Weathering Winds of Change: Keeping Your Feet on the Ground. CHS Senior Vice President Gary Halvorson will discuss how suppliers and other agribusinesses are adjusting their supply chains to meet demand in the face of multiple challenges such as volatile weather and markets, geopolitical shifts and the aftermath of the global pandemic.
-- The Farm Bill Challenge Ahead. Congress will soon begin debate on new farm legislation. Retired Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts and former Minnesota Rep. Collin Peterson have years of experience crafting Farm Bills. They will share their perspectives on how they see the next Farm Bill coming together and how the legislation balances the needs of agriculture and nutrition titles.
-- Summit attendees always look forward to hearing from DTN's respected team of experts and analysts. DTN Ag Meteorologist John Baranick will discuss the all-important outlook for weather during the 2023 planting season and throughout the year in his session: Bye Bye, La Nina -- Now What?
-- DTN Lead Analyst Todd Hultman shares his perspective on commodity markets and where prices are headed in his presentation: How Long Will High Crop Prices Last?
-- Cattle producers won't want to miss DTN Livestock Analyst ShayLe Stewart's comments on how supply and demand for beef coupled with various economic factors will affect beef prices. Check out: Will the Cattle Market Turn Higher in 2023?
-- We'll also introduce the 2023 Class of America's Young Farmers & Ranchers. These individuals represent the cream of the crop of beginning farmers who stand out through their strategic business plans to grow their operations and business, while also supporting their communities.
-- Finally, we'll also have 15-minute sessions on timely business topics such as taxes, farm management and other subjects. Don't forget to register at
So, pull up a chair. Pour a cup of coffee and log on to the DTN Virtual Ag Summit. Enjoy the conference without the hassles and expense of travel. We look forward to having you join us, Dec. 12-13.
Gregg Hillyer can be reached at
Follow him on Twitter @GreggHillyer
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