OMAHA (DTN) –- Many states saw a continued downturn in range and pasture conditions for the week ending Sept. 3, according to the latest data from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service.
Surveys show 28 of the contiguous 48 states saw a decrease in grazing areas rated good to excellent. There were 31 states that reported an increase of grazing areas in poor to very poor condition. Michigan and Kentucky reported the largest negative change. Michigan has 64% rated good to excellent, down 12 points from the previous week, and saw a 14-point increase in poor to very poor grazing areas. Kentucky has 46% rated good to excellent, down 12 points from the previous week, and saw a 7-point increase in poor to very poor grazing areas. Colorado saw a drop of 10 points, to 41% good to excellent and a 7-point increase in poor to very poor ratings.
On the positive side, Arizona and Kansas showed improvement, with a 7-point and 3-point increase, respectively, climb in grazing land rated good to excellent. Texas also showed improvement of 2 points, with 15% of pastures in the good to excellent rating after continual drought and wildfires in the state. Texas ranks No. 1 in total cattle and beef cow numbers.
Online users can click on the accompanying maps to see changes in various states.
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